下條ユリ 下條ゆり下条ユリ下条ゆりしもじょうゆり
Yuri Shimojo_Watercolor_A Flower_.jpg


Exhibitions, Installations and Publications by New York artist 下條ユリ Yuri Shimojo

Shimojo Yuri

Pop-Up on Park Avenue


Memories of Earth

An Art Pop-Up

870 Park Avenue, New York, NY

VIP Reception ~ Thursday May 2, 6 - 9 p.m.

Registration information here

Open to the public ~ Friday May 3 - Monday May 6  11 - 6 p.m.

General admission registration here 

Artist Talk

Saturday May 4, starting at 2 p.m. with master printer Keigo Takahashi in salon style. 

I am very pleased to show my signature series of works Sumi and Shu, screen prints of which will be exhibited in the
grand living room of a beautiful postmodern landmark mansion designed by Robert A.M. Stern on the Upper Eastside. 

All prints are available for purchase. 

Some prints are being exhibited for the first time in New York, and many earlier works are among the final remaining editions.

Press release: https://mailchi.mp/a42392bf0c6e/870parkpressrelease