Yuri Shimojo's autobiographical cult literature Chiisana Rakugaki ~ Tiny Scribble
Yuri Shimojo's autobiographical cult literature Chiisana Rakugaki ~ Tiny Scribble was republished in 2007 after being awaited for 10 years.
Her upbringing in Tokyo was very unconventional. As part of her samurai lineage inheritance, she practiced traditional Japanese performing arts, unique to her modern Japanese childhood.
Her late "flamboyant" parents were also passionate about teaching Yuri to value universal identity through travel abroad and uninhibited performance in social events.
These elements, so drastically colorful, influenced Little Yuri to search for her own identity. After her last immediate family, an intellectually challenged half-sister, passed away when she was 28, she decided to leave Tokyo and move to New York.
Some psychotherapists have called her book "one of the best self-help books for the coming age." That has led to the original edition being sold out from used bookstores in Japan before it was republished. Sorry, it's only in Japanese (yet)!
武士の家系の伝統を重んじつつも型破りな両親は、彼女に幼い頃より日舞、能、茶道、華道を習わせると同時に “社会教育”と称し国内外のあらゆる遊芸三昧の場に付き添わせ、普遍性を尊重する国際人として育てる事に熱心だった。
究極の和洋折衷、仁義 vs不道徳、というカラフルな生い立ちの記憶が、少女に自己のアイデンティティを模索するきっかけを与える。
#TinyScribble #ちいさならくがき